With the door of reform and opening-up opening wider and wider, China has become one of the top destinations for talented people from other countries to start businesses and find job. Zhongguancun Talent Association (ZTA), as a world-renowned NGO in the field of talent services, has also recruited a number of foreign talent members in recent years, some of whom are very willing to share their stories of entrepreneurship and employment in China to objectively express their views about China. At the same time, they are also happy to give advice to talents from other countries to start businesses and work in China, and to offer suggestions and advice to local governments on support and services for foreign talents to find jobs and start businesses in China.
Based on such background, ZTA launched a series of interviews with foreign members. The topic of this series of interviews is: My views on China's development/experience and views on employment and entrepreneurship in China.
1. £When did you come to China? Why did you choose your current major, job or field on entrepreneurship? What appeals you most in China? What is your favorite city in China?您什么时候来到中国的?为什么选择现在的专业、工作或创业领域?中国最吸引您的是什么?您最喜欢中国哪个城市?
I came to China in 2016 for my PhD at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology. My journey into materials science started with my fascination for developing advanced, lightweight, and high-strength materials. This field is incredibly relevant, especially for industries like aerospace and automotive, where materials innovation can make a big impact.2016 年,我来到中国,在北京理工大学材料科学与工程学院攻读博士学位。我对材料科学的热爱始于对开发先进、轻质、高强度材料的痴迷。这一领域非常重要,尤其是对于航空航天和汽车等材料创新可以产生巨大影响的行业。
I chose to continue in academia and research after my PhD because I enjoy exploring new ideas, mentoring students, and contributing to materials science, particularly in the areas of high entropy alloys and lightweight metals. Currently, I am working as an associate professor at School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing.获得博士学位后,我选择继续从事学术和研究工作,因为我喜欢探索新想法、指导学生以及为材料科学做出贡献,特别是在高熵合金和轻质金属领域。目前,我在北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院担任副教授。
What appeals to me most about China is its strong work ethic, kindness, and cooperation. I’ve had the privilege to collaborate with very talented and dedicated researchers, which has been inspiring. My favorite city here is Beijing—it’s a vibrant blend of modernity and tradition, with many research opportunities and access to cutting-edge facilities, though the weather can be a bit challenging!中国最吸引我的是其强烈的职业道德、善良和合作精神。我有幸与才华横溢、敬业的研究人员合作,这令人深受启发。我最喜欢的城市是北京——这里是现代与传统的结合,充满活力,有许多研究机会,可以使用尖端设施,尽管天气可能有点具有挑战性!
2. £China has seen improving international entrepreneurs in recent years. How do you feel about starting a business? What are difficulties in different periods?近年来,中国国际创业者不断增多。您对于创业有什么感受?不同时期的困难有哪些?
Starting a business in China is appealing due to its growing market, government support for innovation, and entrepreneurial potential. If I started a materials-focused venture, initial challenges would involve navigating regulations and language barriers, which are essential for establishing a strong network. In the growth phase, hiring skilled bilingual talent and managing competitive costs can be complex. Finally, for long-term sustainability, staying adaptable to policy changes and environmental regulations is crucial. With the right strategies, China’s dynamic environment offers significant opportunities for international entrepreneurs.在中国创业具有吸引力,因为中国市场不断增长,政府支持创新,创业潜力巨大。如果我创办一家专注于材料的企业,最初的挑战将涉及规章制度和语言障碍,而这些对于建立强大的网络至关重要。在成长阶段,招聘熟练的双语人才和管理有竞争力的成本可能会很复杂。最后,为了实现长期可持续发展,适应政策变化和环境法规至关重要。只要制定正确的战略,中国充满活力的环境将为国际企业家提供重大机遇。
3. £How have you learned about different laws and regulations on business and gotten license in China? Have you gained support from local ones? 您是如何了解中国不同的商业法律法规并获得执照的?您有没有得到当地政府的支持?
In China, I’ve gained knowledge of business laws and regulations by consulting legal experts, attending workshops, and researching government resources. The process of getting a business license involved navigating various regulatory steps, like company registration, tax registration, and obtaining special permits, if required. I also sought guidance from local organizations that support foreign entrepreneurs, which helped streamline the process and avoid common pitfalls. Networking with local business owners and using government-provided resources have been invaluable in understanding compliance requirements and securing necessary support for my business endeavors.在中国,我通过咨询法律专家、参加研讨会和研究政府资源获得了商业法律法规方面的知识。获得营业执照的过程涉及各种监管步骤,例如公司注册、税务登记以及在必要时获得特别许可。我还向支持外国企业家的当地组织寻求指导,这有助于简化流程并避免常见的陷阱。与当地企业主建立联系并利用政府提供的资源对于了解合规要求和确保对我的商业活动必要的支持非常有价值。
4. £How do you view tech and digital economy progress in China in recent years? Are there opportunities and boons for you?您如何看待中国近年来的科技和数字经济进步?这对您来说有哪些机遇和好处?
China's tech and digital economy has seen remarkable growth, becoming a global leader in areas like e-commerce, fintech, and artificial intelligence. The rapid development of digital infrastructure and government support for innovation have created a dynamic environment filled with opportunities. For me, this progress opens doors to cutting-edge research collaborations, particularly in materials science applications in advanced manufacturing and AI-driven material design. Access to these technologies can greatly enhance research productivity and foster collaborations, benefiting both academia and industry.中国的科技和数字经济取得了显著增长,在电子商务、金融科技和人工智能等领域成为全球领先者。数字基础设施的快速发展和政府对创新的支持创造了一个充满机遇的动态环境。对我来说,这一进步为尖端研究合作打开了大门,特别是在先进制造和人工智能驱动的材料设计中的材料科学应用方面。获得这些技术可以大大提高研究效率并促进合作,使学术界和工业界都受益。
5. £How do you think of opportunities in the Chinese market? How have the market and Chinese consumers changed in recent years?您如何看待中国市场的机会?近年来市场和中国消费者有何变化?
The Chinese market presents immense opportunities, with rapid growth in sectors like advanced manufacturing, green technology, and digital services. Chinese consumers have become more tech-savvy, environmentally conscious, and discerning, increasingly prioritizing quality, sustainability, and innovative products. This shift offers exciting possibilities for advanced materials and high-tech products that align with these trends. The rise of e-commerce and digital platforms also allows easier access to diverse consumer bases, making the market highly dynamic and receptive to new ideas and solutions.中国市场蕴藏着巨大的机遇,先进制造业、绿色技术和数字服务等行业发展迅速。中国消费者变得更加精通技术、环保意识更强、眼光更加敏锐,越来越重视质量、可持续性和创新产品。这种转变为符合这些趋势的先进材料和高科技产品提供了令人兴奋的可能性。电子商务和数字平台的兴起也使企业更容易接触到多样化的消费者群体,使市场高度活跃,并乐于接受新的想法和解决方案。
6. £China has been opening up various sectors and improving business environment. What are fields that need further improvement for you? 中国一直在不断开放各个领域,不断改善营商环境。您认为哪些方面还需要进一步改进?
While China has made significant strides in opening up various sectors, there are still areas that could benefit from further improvement. For instance, greater transparency in regulatory processes and clearer intellectual property protections would help foster a more predictable environment for foreign researchers and entrepreneurs. Additionally, streamlining the work visa and green card application processes would make it easier for international talent to contribute to innovation. Enhancing support for interdisciplinary collaborations between local businesses and foreign experts could further boost the country’s global competitiveness.尽管中国在开放各个领域方面取得了重大进展,但仍有一些领域需要进一步改进。例如,提高监管流程的透明度和更明确的知识产权保护将有助于为外国研究人员和企业家营造更可预测的环境。此外,简化工作签证和绿卡申请流程将使国际人才更容易为创新做出贡献。加强对本土企业和外国专家之间跨学科合作的支持可以进一步提升中国的全球竞争力。
7. £As social and economic activities resume this year, how have your business or study been? What are your future prospects?今年社会经济活动陆续恢复,您的生意和学习情况怎么样?未来前景如何?
As social and economic activities have resumed this year, my research and academic endeavors have progressed well, with more opportunities for collaboration and access to resources. The resumption of in-person events and conferences has allowed me to expand my network and exchange ideas with international experts. Moving forward, I plan to focus on advancing my work in high entropy alloys and their applications, while exploring new interdisciplinary research areas. The growing emphasis on sustainability and innovation in China presents promising prospects for future collaborations and potential breakthroughs in my field.今年,随着社会和经济活动的恢复,我的研究和学术工作进展顺利,合作机会和资源获取机会也更多了。恢复面对面活动和会议让我能够扩大人脉,与国际专家交流想法。展望未来,我计划专注于推进高熵合金及其应用方面的工作,同时探索新的跨学科研究领域。中国越来越重视可持续发展和创新,这为我所在领域的未来合作和潜在突破带来了光明的前景。
8. £What are the reasons that you join ZTA(Zhongguancun Talent Association)and what kind of service do you expect from ZTA?中关村人才协会的原因是什么?您希望中关村人才协会提供什么样的服务?
I joined the ZTA to connect with like-minded professionals, expand my network, and gain access to opportunities for collaboration in the fields of research and innovation. The association's focus on supporting talent in high-tech and scientific fields aligns with my own academic and professional goals. From ZTA, I expect services such as access to funding resources, information on policy updates, opportunities for international collaboration, and assistance with navigating the business and regulatory landscape in China. These services would help foster both my academic and entrepreneurial growth.我加入 ZTA 是为了与志同道合的专业人士建立联系,扩大我的人脉,并获得在研究和创新领域的合作机会。该协会专注于支持高科技和科学领域的人才,这与我自己的学术和职业目标相一致。我希望从 ZTA 获得诸如获得资金资源、政策更新信息、国际合作机会以及帮助了解中国的商业和监管环境等服务。这些服务将有助于促进我的学术和创业成长。
9. Other topic other than questions above that you would like to talk about China?除以上问题外您还想谈论中国其他话题吗?
One topic I’d like to discuss regarding China is its role in advancing sustainable technologies and materials. As China continues to lead global efforts in green energy, electric vehicles, and environmental protection, there is a growing emphasis on the development of sustainable materials and processes. This aligns with my research interests in high entropy alloys and lightweight metals, where there is significant potential to reduce environmental impact through innovative material design. Exploring how China’s policies and technological advancements can support sustainability in materials science could be a fruitful discussion for both academia and industry.我想讨论的一个关于中国的主题是其在推动可持续技术和材料方面的作用。随着中国继续引领全球绿色能源、电动汽车和环境保护的努力,人们越来越重视可持续材料和工艺的开发。这与我对高熵合金和轻质金属的研究兴趣一致,通过创新材料设计可以大大减少对环境的影响。探索中国的政策和技术进步如何支持材料科学的可持续性,对于学术界和工业界来说可能是一次富有成效的讨论。
Associate professor
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering, School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China.
北京材料基因组工程高精尖创新中心,北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083,中国。