From Mr Rakesh Tamrakar

With the door of reform and opening-up opening wider and wider, China has become one of the top destinations for talented people from other countries to start businesses and find job. Zhongguancun Talent Association (ZTA), as a world-renowned NGO in the field of talent services, has also recruited a number of foreign talent members in recent years, some of whom are very willing to share their stories of entrepreneurship and employment in China to objectively express their views about China. At the same time, they are also happy to give advice to talents from other countries to start businesses and work in China, and to offer suggestions and advice to local governments on support and services for foreign talents to find jobs and start businesses in China.
Based on such background, ZTA launched a series of interviews with foreign members. The topic of this series of interviews is: My views on China's development/experience and views on employment and entrepreneurship in China.
We are pleased to have invited Mr Rakesh Tamrakar, from Lalitpur, Nepal, he’s been studying and working in China for 31 years since he came to China in 1992 as a foreign student in BUPT and currently he is working at vivo as leading specialist on 5G mobile communication technology and standards.Let’s take a look at whatMr Rakesh Tamrakar will share with us about his views on China development.
我们很高兴邀请到来自尼泊尔拉里特布尔的Rakesh Tamrakar先生,他自1992年作为北京邮电大学留学生来到中国以来,已经在中国学习和工作了31年,目前在vivo担任5G移动通信技术和标准的领先专家。让我们来看看Rakesh Tanrakar先生将与我们分享他对中国发展的看法。
Q:When did you come to China? Why did you choose your current major, job or field on entrepreneurship? What appeals you most in China? What is your favorite city in China?你什么时候来中国的?你为什么选择目前的专业、工作或创业领域?在中国,什么最吸引你?你最喜欢中国的哪个城市?
A:I came to China in 1992 for undergraduate studies in Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications. I am currently involved in the mobile communication industry. After graduation, it was the time of booming mobile industries with introduction 3G technologies, I started working in research and development of 3G technologies, inspired by my own professor in the university and the fast development in China. There are few things which are most appealing in China for me, rich culture, diverse landscape, friendly people, hardworking spirit etc. I have been in living in Beijing for 3 decades, although I have visited other cities in China, it’s no surprise to say that Beijing is my favorite city. 我1992年来到中国,在北京邮电大学开始就读本科。我目前从事移动通信行业。北京邮电大学硕士毕业后,正值移动行业蓬勃发展,3G技术的引入,我在大学里的教授和中国的快速发展的启发下,开始从事3G技术的研发工作。在中国,很少有什么东西对我最有吸引力,丰富的文化、多样的景观、友好的人民、勤劳的精神等等。我在北京生活了30年,尽管我去过中国的其他城市,但北京是我最喜欢的城市也就不足为奇了。
Q:China has seen improving international entrepreneurs in recent years. How do you feel about starting a business in Beijing? What are difficulties in different periods? 近年来,中国出现了越来越多的国际企业家。你对在北京创业有何感想?不同时期的困难是什么?
A: Yes, I know few foreign people owning business in Beijing and also in other cities. I haven’t thought about starting my own business yet. I assume it is definitely much easier to start business than 20 or 30 years ago. 是的,我知道很少有外国人在北京和其他城市有生意。我还没有想过自己创业。我想创业肯定比二三十年前容易得多。
Q:How have you learned about different laws and regulations on businesses and gotten license in China? Have you gained support from local ones? 你是如何了解中国不同的商业法律法规并获得执照的?你得到当地的支持了吗?
A:I haven't personally started a business in China, so I have limited knowledge about the laws and regulations related to businesses and obtaining licenses. However, our company has received support from local governments, which has helped us navigate certain aspects of the business environment.
Q:How do you view tech and digital economy progress in China in recent years? Are there opportunities and boons for you? 您如何看待近年来中国科技和数字经济的发展?你有机会和福利吗?
A:I myself have witnessed tremendous development in technology, especially in digital technology in China in past few decades, even I am somehow involved myself. To give you an example, in the last decade of 20th century, the mobile phone network started deploying in China, there was no Chinese technology. After year 2000, Chinese companies started developing own 3G mobile systems and by 2010 4G was already in the market and Chinese companies were contributing to global standards. In 2020, Chinese companies were leading the development of 5G technologies. I starting working in development of 3G, 4G and 5G mobile technologies standards in different Chinese companies. There are lot of opportunities in this field in China.在过去的几十年里,我亲眼目睹了技术的巨大发展,尤其是中国的数字技术,甚至我自己也参与其中。举个例子,在20世纪的最后十年,移动电话网络开始在中国部署,当时还没有中国的技术。2000年后,中国公司开始开发自己的3G移动系统,到2010年4G已经进入市场,中国公司正在为全球标准做出贡献。2020年,中国公司引领5G技术的发展。我开始在不同的中国公司从事3G、4G和5G移动技术标准的开发工作。中国在这个领域有很多机会。
Q:How do you think of opportunities in the Chinese market? How have the market and Chinese consumers changed in recent years? 你如何看待中国市场的机会?近年来,市场和中国消费者发生了怎样的变化?
A:With the economic and technology development in China, there are lot opportunities in Chinese market, not only in technology area but also in services. Purchasing power of Chinese consumers has increased tremendously, and there are opportunities in every fields.随着中国经济和技术的发展,中国市场不仅在技术领域,而且在服务领域都有很多机会。中国消费者的购买力大增,各个领域都有机会。
Q:China has been opening up various sectors and improving business environment. What are fields that need further improvement in your eye? 中国不断扩大各领域对外开放,不断改善营商环境。在您看来哪些领域需要进一步提高?
A:Although I don’t have experience in entrepreneurship, I assume that further simplifying business registrations and relaxing requirements for foreign entrepreneurs will certainly be helpful. 虽然我没有创业经验,但我认为进一步简化企业注册和放宽对外国企业家的要求肯定会有所帮助。
Q:As social and economic activities resume this year, how have your business or study been? What are your future prospects? 随着今年社会和经济活动的恢复,你的生意或学习怎么样?你的未来前景如何?
A:After COVID pandemic, it is gradually getting back to normal. The industry I am involved also has seen some impact in past 2 years, this year is better than last year. I hope things will get much better in coming years.在新冠肺炎疫情之后,它正在逐渐恢复正常。我所从事的行业在过去两年也受到了一些影响,今年比去年好。我希望未来几年情况会好很多。
Q:What are the reasons that you join ZTA(Zhongguancun Talent Association)and what kind of service do you expect from ZTA? 你加入中关村人才协会的原因是什么?你希望从中关村人才协会得到什么样的服务?
A:The reason for joining ZTA is its vast network of people from different fields, I do hope that ZTA will be useful platform to broaden my network and for future opportunities. 加入ZTA的原因是它拥有来自不同领域的庞大人员网络,我希望ZTA将成为一个有用的平台,扩大我的网络,为未来的机会。

Vivo Communication Technology Co. Ltd. (stylized in Letter case) is a Chinese multinational technology company headquartered in Dongguan, Guangdong that designs and develops smartphones, smartphone accessories, software and online services. The company develops software for its phones, distributed through its V-Appstore, with iManager included in their proprietary, Android-based operating system, Origin OS in Mainland China, and Funtouch OS elsewhere. It has 10,000 employees, with 10 R&D centers in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Nanjing, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Xi’an, Taipei, Tokyo, and San Diego.